Friday, July 17, 2009

OP Fallen Angel - 17/07/09

CIA Easternboard section office reported a possible warhead transport heading for IRAN.
Section chief Blackburn gave the official recommendation to the NETF to regulate that situation with maximum force and in a swift manner.

NETF ( Nuclear Emergency Task Force) command authorized therefor a Blackhawk gunship mission with special radiation detection equipment - to find - track and destroy that transport.

The smuggler transport with a nuclear Murph warhead got attacked by that attack helicopter of the NETF. Unfortunately were the smugglers obviously well equiped - the Attack Chopper got shot down by a Javelin missile – pilots were wounded during the crash but survived it, they even could manage the salvage the Nuke warhead out of the destroyed truck and walk it under great efforts into a difficult to reach thick wooded cliff area.

Once the pilots were assured that the Nuke was well hidden, did they do the only thing there is to do in an hopeless situation.. they lured the Tchetchnians away from the Warhead location - at a good distance away did the tchetchnian hunter squadrons finally catch up to them.

Pilots were captured and killed under torture – the A.N.V. rescue mission came to late - Boss and his team of hired extraction specialists came under heavy fire and had to wire extract in an emergency.

But prior to the escape could the ANV team give real hard times to the rather overwhelming Tchetchnian forces. Thus leaving quite an impression on the Dark mongerers in the hidden - Col. Yuri Tupolew.

CNN - NEWS flash

The Official story

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