Col. Big has a undisclosed past of many conflicts.
He reportedly had tough assignments within the JTF agreements of the Western Forces.

His name disappeared for a while after the disaster in Somalia.......

CIA reports are suspecting he went acutally for a while as a MERC for the Bluewater security group, but there is no real proof of that.

Now we had reports that this war and horror hardened Veteran has changed Continent and has settled down in Europe and hired on to the Nato - Officially.....

We tried to retrieve information about the Ghost squad but had to learn, that this organization does not exist....

Character Profile:
Colonel BIG is a highly tactical war hardened Combat specialist. His highly tactical approach to the battlefield make him a very difficult opponent. But since Somalia has his character Profil shifted drasticly - he is rather quite, calm and ice cold. He has no emotions nor understanding for merci. He is biting hard the enemy and is incredibly persistant for accomplishing the mission objectives.
A Colonel who demands respect, discipline but above all ...he demands HONOR.
Watch your positions - this high ranking specialist is very experienced in finding your weak spots in your defense but also in your attacks.....

Captain Painkiller 2Ic M.I.A.
The second in command

Primary Weapons :
1- M4A1 R.I.S
2- M249 SAW
3- MP5 A5 NAVY

Secondary Weapons :
1- HK USP .45 auto
2- GLOCK 23 F

4- MAC 10

Character Profile:
Painkiller was an Ex-captain of the Canadian forces who served from 1999 to 2005. He has participated in many missions all around the world, such as in Crete, Algeria and Pakistan. In anticipating his retirement from the Canadian Forces, he decided to enrol with the Special Contractors Services (a group of mercenaries better know as SCS). He had been scouted by their ancient veteran leader, Gonash. Painkiller stayed in their services from May 2006 to June 2009. A bloody hard time. It certainly made this specialist to that what he is today. A fast lethal Blitzkrieger with hightened reflexes and senses for the ongoing and changing modern battlefield.
While in the SCS, he met Black Ice, Drake666, Mac and Zolotoy. After many unorthodox missions, to say the least, such as Germany in summer 2006, Ukraine in winter 2007 and Lebanon in summer 2008, he started to wonder about his career in the SCS mercenaries. Finally, in June 2009, he leaves for personal reasons of undisclosed nature, coincidentally at the same time as Col. Big's name is reapearing on the Covert and secretive modern fields of conflict and war. Coincidence we ask ourselves....

Painkiller maintains a solid alliance with Captain Ryback of the QAST team. They have fought side by side many times.
Painkiller may have solid ties to the CIA as well as a certain mercenary known as THE BOSS. This of course is rather speculation then hard fact.....

UPDATE : 24th of May 2010
Operative is marked M.I.A. - Missing in Action....
He did not make it out of least no official or incoffical source has either confirmed his survival, but neither confirmed his death...

Sgt. Drake ( C.I.A. file note 666)
Primary Weapons :
1- M16 A2
2- MP5 A4

Secondary Weapons :
1- GLOCK 37 .45 auto
2. HK-USP 45 Auto
3- BENELLI M3 SHORTY 12 gauge

Charackter Profil:
Drake is of French Candian Origins  his father however is of Swiss Nationality, so he has basically two nationalities. In 1988, when he turned 18, he had to begin his service in the Swiss military to keep his claim to Swiss heritage. The training was basic and the living conditions were actually much better than in many armies around the world. The Swiss army hardly (if ever) fought, so it was actually more theory than practice. Drake learned about many historical conflicts and particularly assimilated the many tactics used in World War 2. This gives him a certain edge and advantage in combat since his strategies and tactical base planning is for todays modern battle fields a unorthodox and totally different approach. So this highly trained and motivated multi lingual and cultural specialist has done one thing no one ever would have anticipated. He became a Merc. We can only guess the dark assignments he was executing. Beeing still alive means he is very good in what he does....He is one silent and incredible agile intruder....not too long ago during a joint Forces life fire excercise...did he surprise his opposing enemy troops leader. He even had the braveness to impose one of the enemies by simply communicating via hand signals to the enemy leader...after he scouted the whole enemy camp did he disappear as fast as he appeared...
He is a ghost and he deserves that title every little bit...But he has a dark nature of some sort. He is very quite and very controlled....only God knows what horrors he might have witnessed......

Drake is suspected to be a relentless interrogator. He is also rumored to have ties to the Russian FSB and the C.I.A. Then more we profile him then more we discover more concerning rumors - It appears that he might be the intelligence element of the Ghost Squad with high reaching contacts.
UPDATE : 24th of May 2010
Operative is marked M.I.A. - Missing in Action....
He did not make it out of least no official or incoffical source has either confirmed his survival, but neither confirmed his death...

US Navy Seals - JTF forces
QAST special operations group